Each project is brought forth by all of us: the artists, our community and the directors.
Exit Map often formalises and finds an articulation for what we gather, shapes applications and seeks funding.
The vision however is to collaboratively shape the work from within together through dialogues, participation and feedback. That way individual ideas and proposals are contextualised and new work can emerge though a collective imagination, probing the independent artist image.
The most important ingredient to become a member is interest. Money aside, we love to hear from you no matter what. If you have the means and want to support us, of course also get in touch. Your support will enable us to more things happen
Being a member will make sure you are in our email threads for upcoming opportunities. We will keep you up to date and support you as you support us with ideas and connections. Your membership can support the work we do and provide you with more opportunities.
Please get in touch if you would like to join a meeting or the advisory board being a member or not. We would love to hear from all who have ideas and would like to join our call for initiating events and bringing people together.