Open Day
For a whole day The Green shared what it offers – classes, meet ups, support schemes, drop ins, tea and coffee – for its local community to get a taste and to integrate development that comes directly from the community and is for the community.
Exit Map's facilitation focussed on the wishes and dreams of lour local community and worked on producing an environment that connected and listened to what is going on in people’s lives.
As a community centre The Green wants to create social well being and so we ask you How are we well together?
The program of tasters showed what is on offer on a regular basis but throughout the day there were conversations, games, food and interview stations, map making etc to find out who is who and for all to remember that people are worth meeting and that strangers can be become friends.
The entire event was free, grown from people who care: The Green, Exit Map, its teaching community and the community itself who provided food and helped out; people who care and want to connect.