Shared Practice
“In doing it, it gives me clarification.”
Lauren Potter
The Shared Practice is a non-profit dedicated space to explore personal curiosities in movement and dancing. The outcome is defined by the intension you bring which might rest in the desire to develop improvisation, technique or simply dance. We gain a deeper understanding of our embodied experiences by passing through stages of sense making, observing attention and engaging in conversations before and after. Open to all.
Fridays 11.15-13.15pm
Telegraph Hill Community Centre
£8/ drop in - for bookings follow this link
£7 if you sign up beginning of each term for the classes you want to attend - email until 01.09.2024
£50 for the whole term if you are cash fluid, support the scheme and want to come whenever you like.
Term dates Autumn 2024
20.09.// 27.09.// 04.10.// 11.10.// 18.10.// 25.10.
What's next:
Email when you want to join or follow the booking link above. Then, dance!
A couple of ground rules:
please come on time. It makes a difference starting together and having time to arrive. Ideally come 15 min early to settle in.
there is a facilitator, Laura, to hold the space, guide the stages and answer open questions.
at the start and the end we will come together to enter and exit collectively.
it is a silent space where the sounds of breath and to some extend sounding are welcome but … sound can be very distracting and if you do use sound please keep in mind that others are right beside you sharing it and it will influence their work. At the same time being free to sound as you move also matters, so effectively we ask you to make wise choices and to speak your mind if something becomes too much for you to manage your own explorations.
for the last 40 min we make use of music to benefit from the energy it gives us. Sometimes we have one musician with us who is taking care of music via live mixing but if not we take care of the music together via our own libraries like Spotify and we welcome people taking turn dj-ing.
there are kitchen and toilet facilities, the studio is on the first floor floor and unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.