Code Of Conduct
The Duty of Members
Each Member has a duty to protect the health and well-being of all people and members of Exit Map who engage with activities and events of Exit Map in every circumstance.
Each Member must make sure that s/he behaves with integrity and honesty.
The Member shall demonstrate Ethical Awareness
Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals
Comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of his/her profession or responsibilities
Carry out duties in a professional and ethical way
Ensure that any advertising is truthful, accurate, not misleading and complies with any relevant legislation
Undertake research ethically
Keep professional knowledge and skills up to date
Act within the limits of the Member’s knowledge, skills and experience and, if necessary, refer on to another professional
Maintain proper and effective communications with members and service users. You must communicate properly and effectively
Assist and advise other members as set out.
Effectively supervise tasks appropriately delegated that you have asked other people to carry out.
Obtain informed consent to carry classes or interventions
Keep accurate records
Deal safely with risks
Limit work or stop practising if the Member’s performance or judgement is affected by health issues. Each Member has a duty to take action if health issues could be harming his/her fitness to practise
Act in the best interests of service users and members
Respect the confidentiality of service users and members
Maintain high standards of personal conduct. You must behave with honesty and integrity and make sure that your behaviour does not damage the public’s confidence in your profession and Exit Map
Get informed consent when using touch or what might be perceived intimate with the pubic
When actively participating in the running of events you must adhere to risk assessment
Complaints or concern should go directly to Exit Map directors
Deal fairly and safely with the risks of infection
Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals
Each Member must show through their practice and conduct a respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals regardless of ï‚·
gender ï‚·
family status ï‚·
marital status ï‚·
age ï‚· disability ï‚·
sexual orientation ï‚·
religion ï‚·
race ï‚·
ethnicity, including membership of the Traveller Community ï‚·
Members should be capable of working across different cultural groups. Members’ behaviour, attitudes and policies need to support effective work in cross-cultural situations. Members should be aware of dynamics that can come from differences in culture and study and develop their practice and services to better serve service users’ needs.
Undertake research ethically
Proposed research projects should be submitted to the appropriate authority for approval prior to commencing research. Research should not proceed under any circumstances without the necessary ethical approval. Such approval should be identified in the research documentation e.g. participation, recruitment, communication.
Members must abide by any research and publication laws, regulations, ethics and professional standards.
Prior informed consent must be obtained and recorded if service users are to be involved in any form of research. The aims and methods of the proposed research, together with any potential hazards or discomfort and information about how their details will be used should be explained to the potential participant.
Members must respect the dignity and protect the welfare of research participants.
Act within the limits of professional knowledge, skills and experience and, if necessary, refer on to another professional
Members are expected to work within their scope of practice, treating and advising in areas in which they are competent, determined by their education, training and experience. When working at the edges of their experience and cross-disciplinary, Members are expected to undertake extra supervision or consultation with relevant professionals.