Dance and sound artists of
Moving On Together
8th and 15th of May, London
New Cross Gate Cutting Nature Reserve

Marina Collard:
Marina is an independent artist, performer and lecturer making multidisciplinary work involving live performance and video and more recently painting. Her work has been presented in theatres and galleries in the UK and abroad and is often made in collaboration with other artists. She is concerned with movement and physicality which reflect aspects of the human condition within the fragile and complex landscape of our world. These elements are aestheticised and paradoxically explored reframing the ordinariness of everyday life rendering the unspectacular visible. The work is painterly in its approach while maintaining a physicality informed by her career as a contemporary dance performer and maker. Marina is a lecturer at Trinity Laban Conservatoire for Music and Dance and teaches in professional and educational settings both nationally and internationally as well as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist since 2010.
Anne-Gaelle Thiriot
Anne-Gaëlle is an independent dance artist based in London and, since late 2020, in Marseille. She is interested in the potential of movement and architecture to create and bring communities together, and is hungry for bodies and non-hierarchical ways of working. These days she is creating work through investigating the notion of Public Intimacies (how to create intimate collective experiences in the public space, given the current climate), and ways to engage with, enliven and embody the archives of Contact Improvisation (namely the Contact Quarterly revues). She mainly works through collaborations. She is a certified choreologist (specialist of Laban-based contemporary theory and practice) and has been a guest lecturer for Trinity Laban, Roehampton and Winchester University and as dancer, teacher, facilitator and choreographer, she presently works with Andrew Graham (L’Autre Maison), Mathilde Monfreux, Compagnie Libertivore and Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, and also organises the project Le FIL: Training & Open Studio in Marseille, with fellow Julien Dégremont.
Laura Doehler
Laura choses improvisation and performance as the format to observe change and provide tools to integrate an embodiment that shapes social and environmental connectivity. She initiates collective processes via Exit Map that install a fluid and sensitive connectivity between self and other. Together with Exit Map she produces work and events that people can participate in and witness. The shedding of boundaries of self and other and the integration of performance and practice as part of everyday life are recurring themes. Projects are brought to life in close dialogue with other cross-disciplinary artists to further and inspire collective ownership. These are defined by processes and dialogues; the product being ourselves changing. Laura teaches contemporary dance, improvisation and CI in HE at NCCA and as guest lecturer at Trinity Laban and CSSD and independently across Europe.
Dan Nicholls
developed an expansive and deeply entangled practice in the field of sound. Casting aside the dogma and seriousness of much artistic practice whilst embracing joy and improvisation in order to search for deeper narratives, Nicholls’ work finds depth and form through quick experimentation and distillation – layering, stretching and collaging sound, and diffracting materials from many places, sonic and otherwise. Dan’s event series and label Free Movements has become a place in which a growing community can join in emergent practices of dance, sound, visual art, speculative imagining and mutual care. Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/dannichollsldn Free Movements: Ground – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQDqDm_XoGQ&t=2318s Mattering and Meaning solo album – https://wejazzrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ mattering-and-meaning
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