Laura Doehler
Lecturer of Movement HE at the National Centre of Circus Arts, London
Lecturer of Contemporary Dance in HE at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
Siobhan Davies Dance, Open Contemporary Course, London
Guest lecturer at Central School of Speech and Drama London: Somatic Set Design
CI facilitator at TripSpace and London Contact Improvisation (Covid hold)
Shared Practice with Exit Map Collective - professional development via studio based movement explorations every Monday in SE London
Moving On with Exit Map Collective - outdoor version of the Shared Practice facilitated via audio guides that Exit Map dance artists conceive collectively
Contact Improvisation meets Release Technique workshops: Over the past 15 years Laura has taught CI internationally via Intensive programs in Portugal, Turkey, Netherlands, France, Germany, Cyprus, Czech Republic and UK.
Cyr seeks CI, movement research how CI prepares Cyr circus artists to explore and develop their work with publication in Contact Quarterly and video link:
Perform(d)ance - coaching and choreographing teenagers who are from a less advantaged backgrounds to empower via creative and physical engagements and inspire working with dance. These evening lengths productions took place in Germany, Stralsund facilitated via a team of professional dance artists and classic orchestration